
Showing posts from July, 2022


DO NOT QUESTION THE OVERLORDS entertainment 117 Likes 10 Comments Hector Raul Parson Jr. Brea Alyse That's right Jay. Anivon Zerimar Sad when YouTube sets the bar lol Karen Henderson Audrey Andersen This reminds me of a particular star trek episode ...

Daily Cancer Horoscope July 26 (26/07)

Cancer Jun 22 − July 22 Alias: Alias: The Crab July 26 (26/07) daily cancer horoscope: summary cancer daily Star 9/10 Conveying a certain point to a certain person will require courage and huge amounts of sensitivity. You can summon the latter easily enough but applying too much sensitivity can open the door to a surge of emotions, and thats what needs to be guarded against now. Try not to dance around an issue. Get straight to the point and youll manage to circumnavigate tension thats waiting for a chance to form part of any discussions. Read more... summary cancer tomorrow Star 9/10 You could believe a need exists to tell someone more than they need to know about an intensely personal matter. Theres no need to go into the nitty gritty details; providing someone with the basic f...

Forest fire raging in California

  Forest fire raging in California news Rosey Paul 24 Jul 2022 (79) The United States burned in California, thousands of hectares of forest, causing thousands of people to evacuate but have not been controlled. California, US officials, said the fire called Oak Fire near Yosemite National Park on July 23 spread from about 243 hectares to 3,800 hectares after 24 hours. Photo:  Reuters The fire broke out on July 22, mainly raging in the Mariposa C...

Daily Gemini Horoscope July 20 (20/07)

Gemini May 21 − Jun 21 Alias: Alias: The Twins July 20 (20/07) daily gemini horoscope: summary gemini daily Star 7/10 You could come across as unintentionally aggressive to one or two others whom youre only trying to convey a certain point you believe is being overlooked and needs to be understood. Unfortunately, even a concerted effort to convey yourself calmly could still result in the equivalent of a fist being banged on a table. Conveying yourself in writing instead of verbally might be an option. Read more... summary gemini tomorrow Star 8/10 Your quick-thinking might prove helpful in terms of gaining the upper hand in an argument but your message needs to be underpinned with absolute honesty if youre to emerge victorious. Theres no room for superfluous information in whats ...